Agora International School is a modern school, which aims to shape its rhythm of adaptation to the European standards in education. That is why, starting from the truth that learning is a continuous process, beyond the purchases specific to each discipline of study Agora puts particular emphasis on the training of competencies, on the cultivation of self-confidence, on stimulating curiosity, on training the skills to learn how to learn, on the development of positive attitudes.

The objectives aimed by Agora International School are fulfilled by covering a complete school program which includes, besides the compulsory educational program (set in the national curriculum), support for activities of thoroughness/development on areas of learning, four meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and two snacks), optional courses for the cultivation and the development of individual abilities, to develop individual skills, extracurricular activities.

Foreign languages at high quality standards

The importance that Agora International School gives to the intensive learning of English language is reflected in the number of study hours, in the professional quality of those who teach and in the methods and resources that are used. By teaching foreign languages – English, French, German, Italian – our aim is to develop pupils’ capabilities to adapt to different multicultural contexts.

Individualized education concentred on pupil

We apply the theory of multiple intelligences, practiced with great results in the most prestigious education institutions from abroad. In this way, we improve the individual potential of all pupils, we identify their profile of intelligence, and we can lead them to those professional domains in which each of them can be successful.

Art and knowledge clubs have as their prime objective to offer children an opportunity to identify their talents and passions and to practice their skills in such a way as to develop themselves using all types of intelligence. Pupils who have identified those areas for which they have a talent and a special passion have the opportunity to explore them profoundly and to reach the levels of performance.

Practice of movement and sport are fundamental components of Agora’s curriculum, with a key role in the development of children. From our point of view, sport is not only a source of health, but also an important means of development, self-knowledge, self-confidence and encouragement both of the spirit of competition, as well as the team spirit.

Personal, social and emotional development of children and the success in career

Agora International Schoolprovides an education for life. Therefore, we do not focus only on developing IQ, but, equally, on the development of EQ (the coefficient of emotional intelligence, more important for happiness and balance than the intelligence in the classical sense). Our goal is to introduce the children in the coordinates of an ethos marked by empathy, reciprocity, civility, care, respect, politeness, constructive attitudes, coordinate competitive attitudes, not exaggerated – in other words, we help them to discover themselves.

In contemporary society, the quantity of information and knowledge available are incommensurable, nevertheless the new generations are not formed to think, but to reproduce information. From the desire to offer our children what we lacked, we over saturate them with education, foreign languages, informatics, forgetting that these children need to invent, to face the risks, to suffer deceptions, to play and to enjoy life.

Children are taught to operate with logical elements, but they do not know to tackle failures, they learn to solve mathematical problems, but they do not know how to solve their own existential conflicts, they do mathematical analysis, but they are incapable of analyzing their own lives.

The excess of information blocks the joy of living, generating later fluctuant personalities, unstable and resentful. Today, children know a lot about the world around them, but nothing about their inner world. Education is lacking the emotional element, producing generations of children dragged, more than ever in the history of humanity: depression, anorexia-bulimia, antisocial tendencies and numerous addictions.

Bearing in mind these specialists’ conclusions, Agora International School started also to teach its pupils the lesson of “to be” not anyhow, but empathetic, “to become” not anything/anyone, but yourself, “to believe” not in anyone/everyone, but especially in you and in your ideals, “to know”, but especially to know yourself, finally, “to communicate”, not just anyway, but assertive. Therefore, we replace the informative methods with the formative ones, preparing them “to be”, and not for “to have”.