The main purpose of the Agora International School is to ensure a maximum level of education for each pupil by:

  1. Developing basic competencies necessary to pass in a superior level of education and later to the adult life;
  2. Organizing educative activities and incentive and diverse learning experiences, carried out in and outside the classroom and which provide opportunities to participate in artistic, cultural, sport activities, and to work with a variety of materials, resources and equipment;
  3. Ensuring full development of the potential, talents and interests specific to each pupil, through learning activities organized individually, in small groups or class teams, so that each child valorizes his/her abilities and knowledge, experiencing, at the same time, the advantages of cooperation and mutual assistance;
  4. Encouraging the assumption of responsibility for their own activity and attitude, through a positive system of rewards and incentives;
  5. Cultivating respect for different points of view and ideas, within learning activities based on discussions, debates and reflections about different cultures, customs, occupations and opinions;
  6. Creating a friendly educational environment, in which every child feels safe physically and mentally, valorized and in charge, an active participant to his/her own learning.
